Sunday, February 16, 2014

Japanese Culture

Hello.こんにちは。 (Kon nichi wa)

Good morning.おはようございます。 (Ohayō gozaimasu.)

Good evening.
こんばんは。 (kohm-bahn-wah)

How are you?
お元気ですか。 (O-genki desu ka?)

Japanese Garden Osaka Castle Park

             I wanted to do more research on Japanese culture on their language and found out several things. Their language for example is an important part to their culture because its communication. Writing their language is something that takes skills to master. They use Kanji, which is characters weaved into their writing system. Kanji means "Hans Characters". I found out that there is in fact a basic Japanese phrase book including basic terms travelers would use. I found out the best way to improve your skills in speaking Japanese is to use it daily. Their language is also an art form because their symbols actually represent something. We use our language almost everyday and so its important to keep refreshing those skills if you want to successfully speak Japanese.

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