Sunday, May 4, 2014

Folder design

           I looked up more folder design stuff to have ideas for the future so  I can recall some points for a future projects. This folder design I thought design was fascinating since the tiger could be a logo for a brand and you having branding on the folder itself. I think this folder has a good source corporate identity as well within this folder. This design I feel would really help a company with getting there brand out there.

Friday, May 2, 2014

bad design

I found this folder design online that I know looking it its terrible. I would never put this slogan on my folder ever especially for a presentation packet. A slogan for your company has to be better than that. The color choices aren't too bad and the font could use some work. I feel a slogan shouldn't be the focal point in a folder design.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Bad Folder Design


 I decided to look up bad folder and packet designs today to help me keep on track for what to avoid. This folder has many things I found wrong right off the bat with it. The striped bar in the center I feel throws the whole design off all together. The letter N is the only thing I focus on with the company name but that's a logo issue overall. The pictures in the center are good picture but I feel could have been bigger. With decent photos I would've tried to show more of what the company is about. I don't have too many problems with the color scheme but the strips going in the center has to go. You don't want something that going to create too much of a distracting focal point.  

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Folder designs

  I found another website that can help me get more ideas to improve my folder design. So far I have made a lot of major changes today on the folder overall. I changed the pictures around and found a perfect image that represents Osaka the most in my company. This folder design for example has a lot of though put into the design. The designer carefully selected a color palette for the design and the red and orange make the folder look sophisticated. I love the glossy details the little pictures are on the folder and I feel the design makes the folder unique and that is something I know I want my folder to have. I want my packet to represent what exactly my company stands for, and I feel I have the right pictures this time around.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

More Design ideas on Folders

             I found this Las Vegas Design Company that I found interesting online when research more ideas for my packet. There a printing and design company that offers many design services to the public. This folder design is a lot more simpler and it  pictures uses to create  the image of the branding. Some companies use this for their branding and marketing of their brand. This folder is similar to what I am doing for my Osaka Tourism folder by using pictures to capture what Osaka Tourism is all about. I want my packet to have the right amount of branding into my folder and I have already done my flyer and business card to match the packet's theme.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Flyer Ideas                    

       Inferno Club Flyer by CreativeIncrease      I wanted to research more flyer ideas for Osaka Tourism. I know the image I am using is ferris wheel that I resized today to show more of Japan. I found a flyer on deviantart that I could use for reference when creating a flyer for my packet this flyer is for a music concert but I feel its a good example to use for my flyer and what to look for. The text has to flow a certain way to create that advertising and branding for that brand.  There is also call to action on the page as well which I must remember to have on my flyer because its important for branding. I like how this flyer has all these images blended into one page, the Photoshop was done well into this flyer. This flyer is a good example of the right amount of branding and typography into a design.

Folder Design


                          So today in class my thumbnails were do and I decided on the flyer and folder I will be designing for my packet. I know that my brand colors are still the same and I want to make my folder orange. I have got bigger photos this time for my folder as well. I am going to create a flyer and folder that would properly represent Osaka Tourism. I found another website to use for inspiration for ideas to design my packet.  The folder and packet for Weddings I found unique to look at. The whole design of this packet is well design overall, and I feel that  this way this packet folds out definitely makes the packet more interesting because the presentation is everything in design. This folder creates a good visual of the brand and what they stand for, this is something I want to keep in mind.   

Friday, April 25, 2014

Packet Ideas

Creative Presentation Folder Designs 18b  For my packet, I have decided I want to have something extra with my flyer and business card. So I researched more ideas today on other things to consider for Osaka Tourism. My company is targeting a younger traveling audience, and perhaps there is something I can use. The photos mean everything to the flyer as well as the folder.  I found this cool folder design, on interest. that really pops out. I love how neatly it folds up and opens. Its concise and clear the typography its nice on this folder.

Things to Consider

Color is everything.
The Typography has to work.
The Logo colors.



 Pyramid Pouch Tea Bags

I wanted to find another different packet to use as an example for project 4. I know that packets have many extras when companies give them out at conventions or fair. The goal of this project I feel is to grow more awareness of my company Osaka Tourism by creating a well designed packet to spark interest into my brand. I found this tea bags on a website that companies use to promote their brand. One idea I have by this is I could make something extra in my packet that would make my packet stand out. I want something interesting in my packet so that way my packet would be kept and not thrown out, I'm thinking a magnet or a special sticker would be neat to include.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Good Packets


   I decided to look up good packets for more research for project 4,  when I stumbled upon a different approach to promo packets. This company online specializes in design and printing things for other companies. I found this fold cube design to be quite intriguing for any future customers, for example if I was using my own shape for the promo packets I would try this for Osaka Tourism, because I think something creative such as this could work. All the type nicely fits on the cube and is legible to read but the form keeps you reading it. The whole design is brilliant I feel for this packet because I know I wouldn't throw something like this out if it was in my mail. You want your packet to have something that will make it consumers want more from it and keep their interests at heart.

Promotional Packets

      So today we found out what project four is about and I am designing a folder with a flyer for Osaka Tourism. I figured I better look up all the information I can find on promotional packets to make my piece successful. I know we will be printing these folding from special printing and actually be making the folder by hand. I found an interesting packet online, that looks like a newspaper design with a drawstring to hold it together, I like the unique presentation this packet has. I'm impressed with the overall design of the piece because the cover has enough of curiosity to make me want to open it, I actually want to see what's inside this piece. The designer also used a fun typography that works with this piece's overall layout.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Good Layout

       I found a great magazine ad for coke that I found really inspirational for future reference. I found this piece from another blog by mistake and I'm glad to have this for ideas. The level of branding into this piece is impressive because it tells a story without even telling you what Coke is even about.  This woman that was created in this ad establishes a creative storytelling to the coke branding elements. The tagline on the bottom, creates a whole other version of coke with branding. Sometimes an advertisement, can really shape the company in good way because consumers can recognize right off the bat what brand it is and what they stand for.   

Graphic Design Elements


           I found a website to help me understand a page layout better. I know there are different formats you could use for many things, its just finding the right layout for your design. I know this is important when designing a webpage or logo for a company.  I found an interesting layout design for a magazine page I would use as inspiration. The fading type works well with this design, and the colors vibrate on the page in the right way. The designer uses the type to create the page.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Magazine Ad Using The Image to Your Advantage

36 Stunning Magazine and Publication Layouts for your Inspiration | Inspiration Hut 
I found this two page magazine spread online, that really uses the image in the spread as on good example. This image I think alone makes this spread a lot stronger because the layout is simple but effective. After finding this spread I decided to look up more about the artist because I was curious to see more work. 

Monday, March 31, 2014

A Two Page Magazine Spread

               I found another example of a an interesting of a two page magazine spread to help me with my design. This layout doesn't have a lot of color its only purple, black, and white. I like how the illustration hugs the type and blends with the page. The spread has a balance to it on both sides of the page. The article is about success in illustration and I think the spread it a perfect example of a well spread idea.  

Sunday, March 30, 2014

IKEA Spread

              I found a unique two page spread from the company called IKEA and its a closet that actually opens up in the spread.  The spread is has all pictures and uses the power of visuals to grab your attention. This isn't a billboard or your typical design layout. The designer not only had a good idea but I clever way to make the page in advertising functional. This Idea I like very much and I think this would be brilliant to include into my two page spread for project 3. I can have Osaka Tourism and as an interactive gateway to what Osaka Tourism  has to offer, like tourist attractions and pieces of history with culture. This idea could be used for several companies out there wanting to brand their company in a special way. This is one way to do it successfully.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Magazine Spread

                This Layout I found for a possible two page spread, possible for Osaka Tourism to be helpful. I like the story this layout tells because the designer cleverly used type to create another level of design into the two page spread. Its good to have two different elements into your design as long as they go well together, otherwise the ideas clash. The designer even incorporated the tittle's design by the illustration on the left. The pages are concise and they both have clarity to make sure the design goes well together. The designer clearly knew how they wanted to start their two page spread and finish it.  A plan that is well thought out works out!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Magazine Layout Information

Nuw Design Magazine Template - Magazines Print Templates       The typical size of a layout for a magazine spread is 8.5 x 11 in a standard size. I decided to research more information on magazine layout to make sure I have the right specs for this project. A magazine ad has several elements in the design we have talked about all semester. The level of hierarchy establishes the organization  of the page and material that's going on the page. The importance of typography makes and breaks the piece. You don't want all the information all over the place and unorganized, because it will make the page hard to read and uneasy to follow. I found templates I could use today to help me get started for my two page design spread.

Monday, March 24, 2014

A Closeup of A layout

             I know nothing about magazine spreads so I decided to look up more information so I know my spread will be in the right format. The typography  is  the biggest element I need to watch out for in my design. I also wanted to know what levels of hierarchy are needed to be considered for my design when design a spread. This magazine ad for example uses a least three different fonts on the layout and has a nice photo in the first page. The picture has a great close up of the product and captures a lot of attention but doesn't take anything essential away from the page. I found this example of a two page spread to be helpful because I can clearly see the connection the two page spread needs to have in my design for Project 3. The clarity and connection is something that can't be lacking in the layout of the spread.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Magazine Layouts: What Not to Do! 

One major thing to watch out for is too many fonts on a layout. This page isn't designed well because there are too many fonts going on in the design, you want three fonts only. Its good to have font variation but not too much that its overwhelming. This two page spread can be easily fixed by better fonts choices. You want to have a font or fonts that compliment the page and work well together.  Fonts that clash create too much tension on the page.


  I have found out some information on the Do's and Don'ts of  Magazine layouts form a website.Things to remember when designing a magazine spread is the alignments, the colors, the images on the page, the font styles, and the edges of text. Take your spacing with type for example, the rivers of whitespace within the paragraph can cause a problem for the layout. The hyphenated and ragged edges in the paragraph can mess up the alignment of the text as well. You don't wont the type to throw off the design of the magazine spread and ruin the layout.  

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Magazine Spreads

          I found a magazine spread about music that I thought was designed rather well. Things that I am specifically looking at is the  typography, the level of hierarchy, and the overall layout. I like how the text is not all over the place and it hugs the page and compliments the layout. There is negative space but it works well with the page, as I know that negative space can help the spread design. I think the designer who came up with this design had the right amount of hierarchy in mind when designing this two page spread. When designing a two page spread you need to make sure the pages connect and make sense, otherwise the layout and design is disconnected.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Magazine ad Starbucks

                I found ad for Starbucks online at deviantart  that I use to critique today to help me brainstorm more ideas for my project. I looked at the font to the even the color choice. I know very little about magazine spreads and I found looking up ads and looking at these various styles to be helpful. Take this ad for example, its a Starbucks ad but has a very bold approach to it. The perspective of the picture really captivates you. The saying is not only bold on the cover  page   but its talking about the customer's satisfaction. Its important to the customer to let them know they are care for by the company. I like how the coffee cup is brought up close up to its audience. The layout of the page's hierarchy is great and I plan to use the same things in my layout. The level of hierarchy is a must for this assignment.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Magazine Designs


high-tech background and typography for a gaming magazine layout               I looked up designs to get some ideas for my design to use in my magazine spread. I found this two page spread I found inspiring to get ideas from. This ad has a lot of font variation and I find this as something I want to work on this especially in  project 3 this week. I like the font the designer used in the name of the person they are writing about.  I like the hierarchy and layout of the pages and it has the right amount of flow to the piece. The person's profile looks cool with the whole design and it doesn't like two pages put together, the unity and clarity is known in this spread. Sometimes the level of hierarchy is important in a page layout such as this.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Magazine ads Target            

 So for our new project we are doing a magazine spread, one page spread and a two page spread on Osaka Tourism. I looked up a target ad, and looked at what I need for my ad design.  I found a target ad, you knows its target after seeing the red logo in the corner. A target ad always has the branding of their company weaved into their design. I like the story this ad tells in within its advertising.

Sunday, March 16, 2014


 I found  these yellow business cards for some kind of pet business from a website called cardstache. On this this website I found even more ideas and I wish I found this site sooner when I started the project.  I like the yellow, the  card  becomes very eye popping with the choice of a black design and font. My guess is its some kind of dog business by the design and name of the company. This card does one thing and it grabs my attention by making me want to know more about the business. The card does grabs someone's attention by a simple design.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Unsual Business Cards      decided to look up strange business cards and I found a business card for a bike company, Broke Bike Alley. The coolest thing about their card is its functional for the bike. It would take a lot to make these but these cards sure would be fascinating to see in person or to even  actually own one. An idea such as this I think would help the business because they are after all it looks like a repair shop. The card  has all these little tools built into the design that actually work, I find this brilliant and I like very much. Now this of course can be an expensive business card but it definitely builds the company in a way that's memorable for the customers. This card is a card that won't be discarded like all the others and throw away because its actually helpful . The company found a way to keep its durability and integrity in its card design.                 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

More Design Ideas for the Future

   I decided to look up more design ideas for the future if I had to do this project again. I wanted to keep more ideas on hand if I ever needed them for future projects. I find looking up other design ideas to be quite helpful whenever I'm working on something, or even if its a side art project I'm doing. Every Artist needs to have a inspiration bank for more ideas to build off of. Take this design for example I found on a website, this envelope really stands out to me because of the unique design it has. When a design is strong from the very beginning it easy to keep building off that already strong design. A weak design won't get you very far and you'll have to change it.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Envelope Designs   

             I looked up more envelope designs today to help improve my envelope some more before our critique next week. I found another website that offers mailing envelopes to order or to create to build your business. This design is so simple and I think the yellow and red work well together on the letterhead and envelope. The business card would probably look similar  to the design of the letterhead. This company might be involved in cosmetics or hair care by studying the the logo's appearance because its feminine. This company's type of branding would definitely be appealing to a younger audience of females or older ones. Your logo needs to have the right amount of branding and interest into the design.

Just More Things to Remember....,883906581


Funky Abstract Background Business Cards I decided to look up more ideas for business cards anyway since my project is pretty much finished and ready for next week. I found some funky designs on this website called Café press. I can't think of a business or company who would want this as their business card design. (Only if its for a  new company running a new Woodstock concert) It's a little too much as design and is giving  me headache, truly. Sometimes the card can be too busy and become more of a design than a card. You need to remember that your designing a card for the company not yourself, unless its your own business. You have to listen to what the client wants and what they are asking you to design. Sometimes you can end up hating your design but if the client is happy than you succeeded.    

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Unique Business Cards

I decided to look up other designs that are out there for business cards that were strange and unusual. This business card was designed by a company named 2vlo, a company outside of the United States. This business card has a lime green glow around the edges with the black surface.  This is actually a business card for the company that designed this, and I think they did a well done job. The hatching pattern really works on the cards overall design and appeal.  Another cool  feature about this design is the painted edge around the card.

Business Envelope Designs

Studio Network's envelope design

                I found an interesting design of an envelope for Japan by a graphic design company in New York. The idea came from the rice packaging and was form a Japanese Spa. I like how this envelope is well designed, but I know this would cost Osaka Tourism a lot to make this envelopes.  I know that making the envelopes and business cards for your company can be expensive.  This is a great design but an expensive one.  Another design I found was by Graphic designer Rachel Kalagher, which is the ice pop design that pops out of the  card. I like the artist made their business card functional such as this. Fromm the color choice to the font this design, I feel this really works well because I love the aesthetics of the design. Its fresh and its fun at the same time, a bakery would definitely love this for
their branding.
 Rachel Kalagher and friends' envelope design

Information On My Business Card


        I decided to look up what information I need for my business card. So that way, I know what to put on my card after talking more about business cards in lecture. I know what size I need to make it  and that I am making two business cards, including one of them  as two sided with a back and front. The business card needs to have a name of the individual because it represents the company. I realize that business cards are much more personal than a letter head. Another thing on a business card is the name of the company and an address of the company. The email address of the company is also something you might want to include. The logo and graphic elements are also essential for any business card because the logo is part of the branding I know the logo can easily go in the back of my two sided card.      

Monday, March 10, 2014

Letter Envelope Formats and Sizes


         The normal size of a standard letter envelope is 4x9 and there is other formats besides commercial  style to use for designs. There are many options to use for my designs but the question is what works best? There is catalog, announcement, an even booklet.  American sizes and European sizes in the envelopes, The back of the envelope has more detail to it than I knew. The booklet for example has an opening on the side of the envelope, that makes the not only design interesting but something I might like to try. Some other designs such as the announcement design can only be used for wedding invitations and other special announcements. I learned that not every design can work for your brand, there is only one right and you have to find it as your designing. So far the process has been challenging this week as I am working but I found this research  helpful.        

Wax Seals for Envelopes


Wax Invitation Seals

       I had no idea that envelopes could have different seals on them besides stickers, like the usually hallmark card. The seals can be melted wax like the seal above to create more to the envelope's overall design. I love this seal because the symbol is so basic yet effective.  The seal on the envelope can make the finish touch for any brand. I discovered the wax seal has been around for quite some time and was the common way to seal an envelope,  The wax was melted then and engraved with a symbol or even the writers initials.  The heart seal was used by poets to even artists and was frequently used.  This technique requires the right color of wax for your brand otherwise it could ruin the look.

Envelopes Sizes

       There are many envelope formats out there besides the standard letter envelope format and I researched that today so more. I found a website that was able to provide me sizes for commerical envelopes and as well other sizes. I used a PDF I found  online to help me understand the terminology of envelopes.  Like business cards an envelope design represents the company. I even found websites were I could even order specialty envelopes. Some envelopes even have a clasp in the back of their design, which is a cool  element I'd like to incorpprate into my branding. Some inmiportnty things to consider for my desgin is the weight, size, position, cover, and font choice. All of these important elements are needed to brand my design.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

My Design Ideas


business card design

business card design  I recall we have to make for Project 2, which is two business cards and an envelope. I have my logo recreated and ready for the cards and envelope, which is one thing out of the way for the final. I found once again another website to help me with my design. I like the wax seal  on this business card because I think it provides a special branding element to the design, ideas like this can be still use into my cards.  The business card below has an actual pop out into the design taking the format form 2D to 3D. The main idea behind this design for this card was clever because its memorable. Its ideas like this that brand your company further.

business card design

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Business Card sizes

        The actual size of a business card is 3.5 inches by 2 inches. I know that I have a lot of information to include on my card when its limited in size. I will definitely need to use guides to help me on this one for sure. I already am sticking to my color palette for this project.  The business cards have a bleed which is the outer part of the card that gives a straightforward cut. A safe area is the dotted line that is  used to protect the card from having the name or any other import information from being cut off. You want your text in the safe area to keep it from being lost. I've looked at some templates and found out the safe area is usually 3.25  inches by 1.75. Another thing I found out was the types of paper the cards are usually printed on which is matte finish or a glossy paper.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Great Designs on Envelopes


         An envelope needs to have certain pieces such as a mailing address, a return address, a area for the stamp, and also room for barcodes. I wanted to research more about envelopes for Project 2 in order to know it for  Graphic design so I know what information needs to be on my envelope for the project.  I found several how to websites that helped me get more ideas for creating my envelope in class. Other tips I got from research today suggested I should use the following in creating my design.  I need good quality paper for printing, words should have proper spacing, and to watch out for the colors I choose in my printing. The design can look great on computer but when I print it out the design could be too dark or washed out. Test printing can be a life saver for designing anything! Another thing to remember in this is simplicity is key.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Business Cards

Benefits of a successful Business Card
1. Makes the business known by building the business.
2. The right color can make or break the design.
3. It needs to have the right information.
4. The typography is obviously essential.
5. A watermark for a business card
                                                                                                            is a neat idea! 
 Kensey Lu
